

The AELC was founded as a mission field of the then United Lutheran Church in America (ULCA) by John Christian Frederick Heyer (known as Father Heyer) on 31 July 1842. “Father” Heyer was deployed by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, the oldest synod in North America. Work started by the North German Missionary Society in 1845 was turned over to the American Lutherans in 1850.


At Lutheran Church Hyderabad, we know you will find friendly people, relevant messages, and great Christian education opportunities for all ages. Best of all, however, you will find the message of Jesus Christ our Savior.

Sunday Worship Services

1. Hindi Service 06:30 A.M
2. English Service 08:00 A.M
3. Telugu Service 10:00 A.M
4. Evening Telugu Service 06:30 P.M


1.Sunday School-Hindi 06:45 A.M Every Sunday

2.Sunday School-English 08:30 A.M Every Sunday

3.Sunday School-Telugu 10:30 A.M Every Sunday

4.Women Samaj Fellowship 12:30 P.M Every Month 2nd and 4th Sunday

5.Senior Citizen Fellowship 12:30 P.M Every Month 3rd Sunday

6.Youtheran Bible Study-English 09:30 A.M Every Sunday

7.Youtheran Bible Study-Telugu 11:30 A.M Every Sunday

8.Lutheran Choir Practice 05:00 P.M Every Friday

9.Fasting Prayer 06:30 P.M Every Friday

10.Youtheran Fellowship 06:30 P.M Every Saturday

11.All Night Prayer 10:30 P.M Every Month 4th Saturday


We are located at
Saifabad, Lakdikapool,
Hyderabad – 500004


Lutheran church


Sunday School Ministry

Jesus loves the little children and so does Lutheran Church Hyderabad. We offer a structured, but fun, Bible-centered class that children enjoy very much.

Youtheran Ministry

Youtheran (Lutheran Church youth ministry) is more than just another program, it’s a group of friends who gather together to have fun and learn about God! Our events are a safe place to hang out with other Lutherans, doing the things that you love to do.

Women’s Samaj

All women who attend Lutheran Church Hyderabad are considered members of Women's Samaj and are invited to participate in the church activities and events.


Lutheran church
